CIBO Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


AAMA – American Automobile Manufacturers Assn

acid rain – Air pollution produced when acid chemicals from air pollutants, including sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides, are incorporated into rain, snow, fog, or mist.

AHAT – Ad Hoc Air Trajectory Group (an OTAG mini-workgroup)

AGA – American Gas Association

Ah – Aryl hydrocarbon

AIRS – Aerometric Information Retrieval System (of U.S. EPA)

ALAPCO – Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials

ANPR – Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

AOC – Area of Concern

API – American Petroleum Institute

AQA – Air Quality Analysis (an OTAG workgroup)

AQMD – Air Quality Management District

AQSM – Air Quality Simulation Model

area sources – Air pollution sources that are not licensed under law (i.e., cars, homes, Laundromats, etc.

ATS – EPA’s SO2 allowance tracking system

ATSDR – Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

attainment – Compliance with ozone standard established by U.S. EPA.  To reach attainment, an area’s ozone level must average 0.12 ppm (parts per million) over 1 hour (not to be exceeded on more than an average of 1 day per year for a 3 – year period).  Proposed new standards would require the 3 – year average of the second highest 8 – hour average to be less than 0.08 ppm. (see also non-attainment)

AWQC – Ambient Water Quality Criterion or Criteria

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BACM – Best available control measures


B (a) P – Benzo (a) pyrene

BART – Best available retro fit technology

BOOS – Burners out of service

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CAA – Clean Air Act

CAAA – Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990

CAAAC – Clean Air Act Advisory Committee

CAFE – Corporate average fuel economy

CAPI – Clean Air Power Initiative

CARB – California Air Resources Board

CASAC – Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee

CBADS – Chesapeake Bay Atmospheric Deposition Study

CBOS – Chesapeake Bay Observing System

CBP – Chesapeake Bay Program

CCMP – Comprehensive Conservation & Management Plan

CEM – Continuous emission monitoring (see also CEMS)

CEMS – Continuous emission monitoring systems.  Machines that measure, on a continuous basis, pollutants released by a source (see also CEM)

CFCs – Chlorofluorocarbons

CIBO – Council of Industrial Boiler Owners

CMA – Chemical Manufacturers Association

CMB – Chemical mass balance

CMSA – Combined metropolitan statistical area

CNG – Compressed natural gas

CO – Carbon monoxide

CrèMe – Cooperative Regional Model Evaluation

CT – Combustion turbine

CTG – Control technique guideline

CTO – Control Technologies and Options (an OTAG workgroup)

CWA – Clean Water Act

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DG – Distribution Generator

DDD – Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane

DDE – Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene

DDT – Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane

deciview – A linear index expressing visibility impairment.  Alinear scale to measure impairment is used because changes in visual range are not proportional to human perception. (see also visibility)

DEIS – Draft environmental impact statement

DES – Diethylstilbestrol

dL – Deciliter

DQA – Date quality assessment

DQOs – Data quality objectives

DSM – Demand side management

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ECO – Employee commute options

ECOS – Environmental Council of the States

EDF – Environmental Defense Fund

EEI – Edison Electric Institute

EGU – Electric Generating Unit

EI – Emissions Inventory (an OTAG workgroup)

EIS – Environmental impact statement

EMAP – Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Program

EPA – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

EPRI – Electric Power Research Institute

ERC – Emission reduction credit

ESP – Electrostatic precipitator- a device that removes particulate matter from exhaust gases.

ETBE – Ethyl tertiary butyl ether

EV – Electric vehicle

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FACA – Federal Advisory Committee Act, the law providing for stakeholder groups’ participating in rulemaking

FAI – Financial assessment and Implementation (an OTAG subgroup)

FBN – Fuel-bound nitrogen

FDA – Food & Drug Administration

FERC – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

FEV – Forced expiratory volume – the volume of air measured in the first second of a forced vital capacity (FVC) test.

FGET – Furnace gas exit temperature

FGR – Flue gas recirculation

FIP – Federal implementation plan

FVC – Forced vital capacity – the volume of air measured in a complete exhalation accomplished as rapidly as the individual can expel the air.

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g – gram

GLWQA – Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

GLWQB – Great Lakes Water Quality Board

GLWQC – Great Lakes Water Quality Criteria

GLWQG – Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance

GLWQO – Great Lakes Water Quality Objective

GMP – Gulf of Mexico Program

Ground-level ozone – A gaseous compound of NOx (nitrogen oxides) and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) formed when these ozone precursors react to strong sunlight. (see also smog; tropospheric ozone)

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HAPS – Hazardous air pollutant

HC – Hydrocarbon; also hazardous constituents

HCB – Hexachlorobenzene

HCFC – Hydrochlorofluorocarbons

HDT – Heavy-duty truck

HDV – Heavy-duty vehicle

HEAT – House Energy Action Team

HEI – Health Effects Institute

Hg – Mercury

HON – Hazardous organic NESHAP

HPMS – Highway performance monitoring system

HRSG – Heat recovery steam generator

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IADN – Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network

ICBM – Industrial Combustion Boiler MACT

IJC – International Joint Commission

IM – Inspection and maintenance

IMCC – Interstate Mining Compact Commission

ILEV – Inherently LEV

ISI – Implementation Strategies and Issues (an OTAG workgroup)

ISTEA – Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act

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kg – Kilogram

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L – Liter

LADCO – Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium

LAER – Lowest achievable emission rate

LDT – Light-duty truck

LDV – Light-duty vehicle

LEBS – Low–emission boiler system

LEV – Low emission vehicle

LEVP – 49-state low-emission vehicle program

LNB – Low-NOx burners (see also LNCB)

LNCB – Low-NOx cell burners (see also LNB)

LPG – Liquefied petroleum gas

LQER – Lesser-quantity emission rates

LVW – Loaded vehicle weight

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M&A – Modeling and Assessment (an OTAG subgroup)

MACT – Maximum achievable control technology – see RACT

MARAMA – Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Management Association

MCL – Maximum contaminant level

MET – Meteorology (data)

MFR – Modified focus roll out

mg – Milligram

mmbtu – Million btu

MMT – Methylcyclopentaclienyl manganese tricarbonyl – a manganese compound used as an additive in mobile sources (gasoline additive)

mobile sources – Objects that are not fixed or stationary and may release air pollutants; mobile sources are divided into two groups:  road vehicles and non-road vehicles.  Non-road vehicles include trains, planes, lawn mowers, etc.

MOCA – Modeling Ozone Cooperative

MOG – Midwest Ozone Group

MOU – Memorandum of understanding

MSA – Metropolitan statistical area (see also CMSA)

MSDS – Material safety data sheets

MSR – Management systems review

MTBE – Methyl tertiary butyl ether

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NAAQS – National Ambient Air Quality Standard

NADP – National Atmospheric Deposition Program

NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement

NAPAP – National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program

NARSTO – North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone

NEA – NOx (nitrogen oxides) emission allotment

NEP – National Estuary Program

NERRS – National Estuarine Research Reserve System

NESCAUM – Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management

NESHAP – National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants

ng – Nanogram

NGM – Nested grid model

NGV – Natural gas vehicle

NH3 – Ammonia

NMOC – Non-methane organic compounds or non-methane organic carbon

NMOG – Non-methane organic gases

NOAA – National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

NO2 – Nitrogen dioxide, criteria pollutant

NOx – Oxides of nitrogen

NOI – Notice of Intent

non-attainment – Noncompliance with ozone standard set by U.S. EPA.  An area is considered to be in non-attainment when its average ozone over 1 hour exceeds the current ozone standard of 0.12 ppm (parts per million) on more than an average of 1 day per year for a 3-year period.  Proposed new standards would require the 3-year average of the second highest 8-hour average to be less than 0.08 ppm (see also attainment)

NOPR – Notice of proposed rulemaking (see also NPRM and NPR)

NPR – Notice of proposed rulemaking (see also NPRM and NOPR)

NPRM – Notice of proposed rulemaking (see also NOPR and NPR)

NRDC – Natural Resources Defense Council

NSPS – New source performance standards

NSR – New source review

NS&T – National Status & Trends

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O&C – Outreach and Communications (an OTAG subgroup)

O&M – Operations and maintenance

OAQPS – Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards

OBD – On-board diagnostic

OIT – Office of Industrial Technology

OMB – Office of Management & Budget

ORD – Office of Research and Development (of U.S. EPA)

OSHA – Occupational Safety & Health Administration

OMTR – Open market trading rule

OTAG – Ozone Transport Assessment Group

OTC – Ozone Transport Commission (called Northeast Ozone Transport Commission in the CAAA)

OTR – Ozone Transport Region

ozon – A compound gas made of molecules with three atoms of oxygen each.  Ozone is formed by a combination of NOx (nitrogen oxides) and VOC (volatile organic compounds).  Ground-level ozone, also referred to as tropospheric ozone, is the prime ingredient of smog and may present health risks at high concentrations.  Stratospheric or  “good” ozone is found in the upper atmosphere and provides a protective filter above the earth.

ozone precursors – Gases including NOx (nitrogen oxides) or VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that can combine to form ground-level ozone, or smog, under certain conditions.

ozone transport – The movement of surface or ground-level ozone or its precursors by weather patterns from one area to another.

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PAH – Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

PAL – Plant Applicability Limit

PAM – Photochemical Analysis Monitoring System

particulate matter – Pollutants from combustion (see also PM-10, PM-2.5)

PCA – Principal component analysis

PCB – Polychlorinated biphenyl

PE – Performance evaluation

PM-10 – Measure of particulate matter (pollutants from combustion); denotes particles with a nominal size less than 10 micrometers in diameter).  Proposed new standards would establish separate standards for fine particles, those smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (see also PM-2.5)

PM-2.5 – Measure of particulate matter (pollutants from combustion); denotes particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (see also PM-10)

point sources – Fixed sources of (air) pollution, such as factories or power plants.

Policy Group – OTAG group charged with overseeing operations of OTAG subgroups, receiving subgroup recommendations, and making final recommendations to U.S. EPA.

POM – Polycyclic organic matter

ppb – Parts per billion

ppm – Parts per million

PSD – Prevention of serious deterioration

PUHCA – Public Utility Holding Company Act

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QA – Quality assurance

QAM – Quality assurance manager

QAPP – Quality assurance project plan

QC – Quality control

QMP – Quality management plan

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RACM – Reasonable available control measures

RACT – Reasonably available control technology; as with best (BACT), or maximum achievable (MACT)

RADM – Regional Acid Deposition Model

RFG – Reformulated gasoline

RAP – Remedial Action Plan

RAPIDS – Regional Air Pollutant Inventory Development System

RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

RECLAIM – Regional Clean Air Incentives Market

RELMAP – Regional Lagrangian Model of Air Pollution

REMSAD – Regional Modeling System for Aerosols & Atmospheric Deposition

RFG – Reformulated gasoline

RFP – Reasonable further progress


ROM – Regional Oxidant Model

ROP – Rate of progress

RPM – Regional Particulate Model

RUSM – Regional and Urban Scale Modeling (an OTAG workgroup)

RVP – Reid vapor pressure

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SAB – Science Advisory Board

S&C – Strategies and controls (an OTAG subgroup)

SAMI – Southern Appalachian Mountain Initiative

SAV – Submerged aquatic vegetation

SCAQMD – South Coast Air Quality Management District

SCR – Selective catalytic reduction

SETAC – Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry

SIL – Significant Impact Levels

SIP – State implementation plan

smog – Ground-level ozone; also referred to as tropospheric ozone

SNCR – Selective non-catalytic reduction

SO2 – Sulfur dioxide

SOCMI – Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry

SOLEC – State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference

SOS – Southern Oxidant Study

SOP – Standard operating procedure

STAPPA/ALAPCO – State & Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators / Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officers

stationary source – A fixed place or object from which air pollutants may be released; includes power plants, gas stations, incinerators, houses, etc.

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TAG – Technical assessment guide

TCDD – Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

TCDF – Tetrachlorodibenzofuran

TCM – Transportation control measures

TEF – Toxic Equivalent Factors

TEQ – Toxic Equivalent Levels

T/I – Trading / Incentives (an OTAG workgroup)

TLEV – Transitional LEV

TNRCC – Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission

top/down BACT – In PSD cases, even in areas that don’t have a big NOx problem, new sources have to conform to the toughest standards set elsewhere in the US except where a case can be made for not adopting the toughest standard.  Starting for the to (toughest rules) and working down according to local conditions in seeking the best available control technology.

tpy – Tons per year

TRI – Toxic Release Inventory

tropospheric ozone – Ground-level ozone

TSA – Technical systems audit

TSCA – Toxic Substances Control Act

TTN – EPA’s Technology Transfer Network; access by modem at 919/541-5742 and Help Line 919/541-4814

TUT – The Ultimate Truth (an extension of the OTAG Web site home page)

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UAM-V – Urban Airshed Model Five

UARG – Utility Air Regulatory Group

ULEV – Ultra LEV

UVB – Ultraviolet B

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VAD – Valley Air District, short for San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District in Fresno

visibility – The furthest distance from which a person can see a landscape feature.

VMT  – Vehicle miles traveled

VOCs – Volatile organic compounds [called ROGs (reactive organic gases) in California]

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WESTAR – Western States Air Resources Council

WHO – World Health Organization

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ZEV – Zero emission vehicle

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