Congratulations Paul Kempf, Winner of the 2024 Flame Award

4th Annual CIBO FLAME AWARD October 29, 2024 This award is annually presented to a CIBO member who best demonstrates the finest technical knowledge, a willingness and ability to educate our members, and an individual who maintains the highest standards and principles of CIBO as a champion of sustainable energy.  This award also recognizes members who step up/volunteer their time and talents to the internal work CIBO does – in this case Officer and Treasurer! This award is called the CIBO FLAME AWARD. Fire consumes, warms, and illuminates, it is often the symbol of inspiration. The recipient of the CIBO … Continue reading Congratulations Paul Kempf, Winner of the 2024 Flame Award

Congratulations Bob Morrow of Detroit Stoker Company, Recipient of the 2022 CIBO Flame Award

2nd Annual CIBO FLAME AWARD November 15, 2022 This award is annually presented to a CIBO member who best demonstrates the finest technical knowledge, a willingness and ability to educate our members, and an individual who maintains the highest standards and principles of CIBO as a champion of sustainable energy. This award also recognizes members who step up/volunteer their time and talents to the internal work CIBO does – in this case the Environmental Committee! This award is called the CIBO FLAME AWARD. Fire consumes, warms, and illuminates, it is often the symbol of inspiration. The recipient of the CIBO … Continue reading Congratulations Bob Morrow of Detroit Stoker Company, Recipient of the 2022 CIBO Flame Award

Now Available Boiler Operator’s Handbook, Third Edition  By Carl Bozzuto

Now Available – River Publishers Series in Energy Engineering and Systems Boiler Operator’s Handbook, Third Edition  By Carl Bozzuto With the increased interest in climate impacts, sustainability, and efficiency more responsibility is being place on boiler operators to help improveperformance and reduce emissions. This 3rd edition of the Boiler Operators Handbook is intended to help such operators in the quest for improvedoperability and performance of their boilers and their plants. The theme of this book is to “operate wisely”. The goal is to instill not only “know how” but“know why”. The main details have been provided by the original author, … Continue reading Now Available Boiler Operator’s Handbook, Third Edition  By Carl Bozzuto