Congratulations Paul Kempf, Winner of the 2024 Flame Award


October 29, 2024

This award is annually presented to a CIBO member who best demonstrates the finest technical knowledge, a willingness and ability to educate our members, and an individual who maintains the highest standards and principles of CIBO as a champion of sustainable energy.  This award also recognizes members who step up/volunteer their time and talents to the internal work CIBO does – in this case Officer and Treasurer!

This award is called the CIBO FLAME AWARD. Fire consumes, warms, and illuminates, it is often the symbol of inspiration. The recipient of the CIBO Flame reflects this as the person who best represents our mission of ensuring reliable, sustainable, safe, and cost-effective energy to support a strong and globally competitive economy.

This year’s recipient is Mr. Paul Kempf. Paul currently is on the CIBO Executive Committee, including serving as an Officer in the Treasurer position.  He has carried out this important work, overseeing CIBO’s finances, with great dedication and the highest standards of excellence.  Over his many years as a CIBO member, representing the University of Notre Dame, Paul has provided great leadership and a strong commitment to CIBO and its mission.

Please join me in congratulating the 2024 CIBO Flame Award winner Mr. Paul Kempf.

Alex Stoddard
Executive Director

Congratulations Bob Morrow of Detroit Stoker Company, Recipient of the 2022 CIBO Flame Award

November 15, 2022

This award is annually presented to a CIBO member who best demonstrates the finest technical knowledge, a willingness and ability to educate our members, and an individual who maintains the highest standards and principles of CIBO as a champion of sustainable energy. This award also recognizes members who step up/volunteer their time and talents to the internal work CIBO does – in this case the Environmental Committee!

This award is called the CIBO FLAME AWARD. Fire consumes, warms, and illuminates, it is often the symbol of inspiration. The recipient of the CIBO Flame reflects this as the person who best represents our mission of ensuring reliable, sustainable, safe, and cost-effective energy to support a strong and globally competitive economy.

This year’s recipient is Mr. Bob Morrow. Bob has been a participating member of CIBO since 2007. He has had a long career with The Detroit Stoker Company. Bob serves as CIBO’s Environmental Committee Chairman. Bob’s technical acumen, enthusiasm in sharing his knowledge, and his exceptionally high standards make him the ideal recipient for our 2nd Annual CIBO FLAME AWARD.

Please join me in congratulating the 2022 CIBO FLAME AWARD winner Mr. Bob Morrow.

Alex Stoddard
Executive Director

Now Available Boiler Operator’s Handbook, Third Edition  By Carl Bozzuto

Now Available – River Publishers Series in Energy Engineering and Systems
Boiler Operator’s Handbook, Third Edition  By Carl Bozzuto

With the increased interest in climate impacts, sustainability, and efficiency more responsibility is being place on boiler operators to help improve
performance and reduce emissions. This 3rd edition of the Boiler Operators Handbook is intended to help such operators in the quest for improved
operability and performance of their boilers and their plants. The theme of this book is to “operate wisely”. The goal is to instill not only “know how” but
“know why”. The main details have been provided by the original author, Mr. Ken Heselton. This updated version has been somewhat expanded to
include a wider range of examples and some of the more recent environmental requirements.

To illustrate these points, topics include multi boiler operations, understanding the plant load, maintenance issues, and controls. Every plant is different.
However, it is hoped that with the information provided in this book, the wise operator will be able to address the various unique issues posed by the
specific plant and provide time solutions to meet the present day requirements.