CIBO Leadership & Committee Chairs
Chairperson: James (Jim) Hoyt, Archer Daniels Midland Company
Vice Chairperson: Phil McKenzie, International Paper
Treasurer: Paul Kempf, The University of Notre Dame
Secretary: David Murtha, Environmental Resources Management
David Bustetter, Eastman Chemical
Jake Welch, Detroit Stoker Company
Susan Barnes, Trinity Consultants
Alexander H. (Alex) Stoddard, CIBO Executive Director (Director ex officio)
Committee Chairs
Energy & Sustainability Committee
Chair: Robin Mills Ridgway, Purdue University
Environmental Committee
Chair: Bob Morrow, Detroit Stoker Company
Government Affairs Committee
Chair: Vacant
Membership & Communications Committee
Chair: Mark Bitto, ABB, Incorporated
Technical Conference Planning Committee
Chair: Vacant
Staff and Legal Counsel
Executive Director: Alexander (Alex) H. Stoddard
Manager, Membership & Committee Services: Courtney Groff
Counsel: Brittany Pemberton, Bracewell Law